



2/18 ハートのトーナメント/ Tournament of Hearts 2018

 〜♡ハートのトーナメント ♡ 〜

2月18日(日) 開場:11:00
イベント:12:00 ~ 19:30






<料理>:ポットラック 1品料理をお持ちください。

10:00 ファイター集合・鎧アップ
11:00 開場
12:30 ギナールールによるトーナメント
– すべての選手は、別の非選手の名誉のために戦わなければならない。
– すべての騎士はパートナーの名誉のために戦わなければなりません
2:00 ハートの挑戦 – 大胆な勇気ある戦いバトル。レディーたちは挑戦する騎士を審査します。
2:45 メーレー練習—誰が最も勇敢で、最も巧みで、最も称えられる騎士かをノーブル賞評議会(それぞれ1人)が決定し、賞を授与します。
3:30 衣裳コンテスト:最も本物で最高の自作衣装かを競います。
3:45 ダンス 参加するすべての人に1つのハートが与えられます。
4:40〜5:30 フィースト準備
5:50 表彰:最も多くのハートをゲットしたカップルが優勝します。優勝したカップルはハートの王と女王となり、ハイテーブルに座ります。
ディナー 中世風スタイル。歌を歌う、詩を暗唱する、そのほか特技を披露してください。



Tel: 080-3690-8657


💘Tournament of Hearts 2018

We present romantic medieval culture, a mix of the fighting arts and the medieval cultural arts.Please come and play with us!

<Schedule of Tournament of Hearts >
Date: Feb. 18th  
Price:  1000 yen for members

1500yen for Members family and Kids over 12 ※Payment  in advance  is required.
2500 yen for non- members

※  These prices are until Feb. 17th. After that price goes more 500 yen up.

Seats are up to 35.

<Contests and Activities>
・Armored Combat Tournament!
・Medieval Cooking Contest!
・Medieval Garb Contest!

<Time Schedule>
10:00  Fighters come and armour up.
11:00 Doors open for public
12:00  Opening Ceremony discuss purpose of tournaments, courtly manners

12:30 Beginner Basic Rules Tournament
— all fighters must fight for the honor of another non-fighter.
(winner is awarded 2 hearts, 2nd place gets 1 heart)

■Non-fighters: Valentines making tournament in Second floor annex.

1:15  Advanced Basic Rules Tournament
— all fighter must fight for the honor of another.(winner is awarded 3 hearts, 2nd place gets 2 hearts)

2:00 Challenge of Hearts — knights make wild challenges are are awarded by ladies for their daring and verve. Rewarded with hearts. No hearts for failure

2:45  Final Melee Practice — Council of Nobles awards hearts (one each) for Bravest, Most Skillful, and most Honorable, awarded by the non-fighting partners.

3:30 Garb Contest: Most authentic and best self-made.

3:45 Dance- need live music. All who participate are awarded one heart.

4:40~5:30 Preparing food

5:50 Awards: The person or couples with the most hearts wins. Couples get to add their hearts together. Winning couples become the King and Queen of Hearts and sit at the High Table.

Evening Meal — medieval style feast guests are encouraged to sing, recite poetry, or do other art.
7:30 Feast finish   

Event Game

  • : Hearts are Awarded for the following. Whomever has the most hearts at the end of the night is the winner. Couples get to add their hearts together.
    Hearts Awarded
  • Dancing: everyone who dances gets 1 heart
  • Cooking contest: all medieval entries get 1 heart and the winner gets 4 hearts.
  • Garb Contest: all medieval entries get 1 heart. Winners gets 4 hearts.
    • Contest 1: Most Authentic
    • Contest 2: Best self-made
  • Valentines: best valentine gets 4 hearts.
  • Winner of Beginner/Basic Tournament: winner is awarded 2 hearts, 2nd place gets 1 heart
  • Winner of Beginner/Advanced Tournament: winner is awarded 3 hearts, 2nd place gets 2 hearts
  • Winners of the Challenge Tournament